Stop by : অল্পক্ষণের জন্য কোথাও যাওয়া; ঢুকে পড়া; গিয়ে বসা;
Related Words
set by  sit by  steepy  stoop  stop  stop by  stop off  stoup  stubby  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia
Appropriate Prepositions
Abhorrence of (ঘৃণা): Everyone should have abhorrence of a par.
Annoyed for(কোনো কারনে বিরক্ত হওয়া): The officer was annoyed with the clerk for being late.
Catch at(ধরা): A drowning man catches at a straw.
Innocent of (নির্দোষ): The maid servant was proved innocent of the alleged theft.
Inquire for (দেখা করতে চাওয়া): He inquires for the manager.
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After all - (সব কথার পরেও): I rang and told her I couldn't come after all.
Bad names (গালমন্দ—n) He called the man bad names.
Base born (নীচ বংশজাত, খারাপ জাত—adj.) He is a base born person; I cannot go along well with him.
Foul play (অসদাচারণ করা): We feared that he had met with foul play.
Gain Ground (সুবিধা পাওয়া): The wise are said to gain the ground in the long run.